
How to improve at starcraft 2
How to improve at starcraft 2

how to improve at starcraft 2

All you need to know before we dive deeper into a more detailed insight is this: it doesn’t matter if you have no gaming background on other Real Time Strategy games – if you put in the time and dedication required you will be able to get progressively better at StarCraft 2 and even be able to reach the GrandMasters league. Today’s article is going to be focused on a list of things you can do to improve your skill on SC2. You'll get faster game performance if you say go with an i5 vs an i7 and use the money difference to upgrade one of these things instead.Greetings my fellow gamers! For those unaware, Starcraft 2 is the biggest game of the RTS genre currently (and since its launch back in 2010), with the biggest playerbase and the largest amount of tournaments (and also the highest prize pools). GPU card - go for a very fast single card over a mediocre set of cards in SLI Things that DO matter for gaming though are: What it does give you though is the ability to run other stuff while your game is running without killing it too much. Your game simply won't utilize that stuff. This is why if you're buying a PC solely for gaming, things like hyperthreading and Quad core TODAY won't do much for you. It is awesome for applications that are very parallel by nature like video processing, encoding, etc where many things can happen at the same time and don't need to wait for each other or depend on each other's results to move on. There aren't even that many tools that help you out with it.

how to improve at starcraft 2

Multi-core programming is just not that easy I am afraid. CPU can be a bottleneck, but that's if you have a pretty bad one. This makes sense because SC2 has to execution threads, core 1 = main thread (processes input, network, builds the next frame of displayable objects) and core 2 is rendering the "prevoius frame" in the background.īasically don't expect a GPU upgrade to just increase your framerate by 100% because that i3 will eventually become your bottleneck (my system is relatively well balanced imo) and in the long run, the GPU will eventually be napping while 1 core on your CPU is screaming, and the other half idle. CPU usage on the other hand is maxed at 100% on core 1, and about 65% on core two. Checking my GPU usage, they're literally half asleep each the GPUs are barely working at all. When running SC2 my framerate on Ultra (with textures set to High) in early game, depending on map (some like Steppes of War's particles are very heavy on the CPU) range from 110 to 130FPS. #13 On that system, your GPU is the bottleneck, but also keep in mind that SC2 is CPU dependent more-so than GPU.

How to improve at starcraft 2