Upon first look you will immediately recognize the 8-bit/NES-inspired graphics that construct the world and inhabitants of “Shovel Knight.” “Shovel Knight” feels like a game that was developed for the NES, but Yacht Club Games developed a special custom chip along the lines of the MMC3 and MMC5 to push what was capable on hardware to its limits. Of course five seconds later I was making another attempt to get to the next checkpoint. I threw mine across the room in frustration and it didn’t have a single dent or blemish on it. Side note: the 2DS is a TANK of a handheld. Just be prepared to take a deep breath after you die for the umpteenth time when you had the boss on its last bit of life, you fall into that pit, or explode after impacting an impossibly sharp spike. If you listen to “Back in my Play” this game was made for you.

Now I can honestly say that was a terrible idea. With that being said, I avoided most of the coverage of the game since I was hoping for it to make an eventual release on the Playstation Store and on my main console, the PS Vita. What can I say about “Shovel Knight” that hasn’t already been said? Much of the press and gaming community have had nothing less than high praise for this game created in the mold of the 8-bit Famicom/NES games of our past.