But purchasing the pass "will enable additional stash and character slots, and offer multiple perks for the duration of the pass." It's worth noting that Roshpit Champions, like other Custom Games for Dota 2, is free-to-play. As detailed on the Dota 2 blog, the premiere Custom Game Pass will only cost $1 and offers 30-day access to bonus goodies in Roshpit Champions, a co-op dungeon-crawling variant of Valve's MOBA. Soon Dota 2 players can purchase what's called a Custom Game Pass, allowing premium access to user-made modes. That experiment was short-lived, but Valve is having another crack at it, this time handling things itself through one of its first-party games, Dota 2. Last year Valve introduced paid mods on Steam when Bethesda allowed its fanbase to sell Skyrim mods.